Monday, October 30, 2006


Who out there feels the rush, the adrenaline surging through their veins at the sound of pounding drums, screeching guitars and bellowing vocals.
There isn't a feeling like it, is there?
Who the hell knows what I'm talking about?
Try this, change the music you listen to and see what happens to you.
That's right if you listen to heavy metal try classical, if you listen to pop switch to rock, get it?
Go from one end of the spectrum to the other as far as possible, you know what I mean.
Try to listen to something auditively painful, something outside your own personal squared circle, beyond your understanding or below your personal standards.
Then see what happens.
Watch yourself, notice changes in behavior, attitude, loss of or accentuated feelings and emotions.
Trust me you will notice a difference, FOR SURE!
Music is central to our lives to our spiritual, social, moral and total development as individuals as well as members of society.
It not only effects us personally as individuals but also collectively as members of society,
It effects us positively and negatively on many levels and in many aspects of our being, this MUST be admitted.
Try it and see for yourself, the results will shock you as they did me.


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